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Aging is a natural process for the body, and as we age, subtle changes begin to take hold. You might notice that the energy you once had is slipping away. Tasks that were once easy now feel more draining, leaving you tired even after a full night's sleep. Your mind, once sharp and focused, might start to feel foggy. Moments of forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating become more common. At the same time, your skin starts to lose its youthful glow, developing wrinkles and fine lines that are harder to ignore. Muscle weakness is another common sign, as activities that used to be easy now require more effort. Recovery from illnesses or injuries also takes longer, leaving you more vulnerable to feeling run down. These physical signs are your body’s way of telling you that something is changing and is often linked to decreasing levels of NAD. NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell of your body. It plays a key role in energy production, DNA repair, and maintaining overall cellular health. As we age, NAD levels naturally decline, typically starting as early as your late 20s or early 30s. This decline affects the efficiency of your cells, leading to fatigue, cognitive decline, and physical aging, which you may start to notice.

Recognizing these early warning signs is crucial in making the lifestyle changes needed to support your health and slow down the aging process.

One of the most common signs of aging is persistent fatigue. As NAD levels decline, the energy needed for daily activities becomes harder to maintain, leaving you feeling drained. Due to the lack of NAD in the system, the enzymes no longer have the support needed to maintain more complex activities, which require more energy.

 "I used to struggle with low energy, barely making it through the day. Since I started taking Herboxa NAD+, my energy has been revitalized. I’m more active, and my days are much more productive." - Tom ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Aging often brings about memory lapses and difficulty focusing. Reduced NAD levels can affect brain function, making it harder to recall details and stay mentally sharp. As neurotransmitters in the brain lack the support of NAD, they cannot be broken down to their simplest form. This is why brain fog and cognitive decline are often symptoms of declining NAD in the body.

 "My memory was slipping, and I felt foggy all the time. After using NAD+, I noticed a significant improvement and now I can think clearly, and my focus at work has improved dramatically." - Susan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Muscle strength decreases with time, making physical activities more challenging. The enzyme responsible for increasing protein synthesis in the muscles— mTOR is impacted by the decreasing levels of NAD in the body, as we age. This ultimately lowers the body's ability to maintain muscle function.
 "I noticed my muscles were getting weaker, and it was affecting my daily routine. Herboxa NAD+ helped me regain that strength, and now I feel much more capable and active." - John ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

The appearance of wrinkles and aging skin is a clear sign that the body’s collagen production and repair processes are slowing down. As collagen production decreases, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, leading to more pronounced lines and a less youthful appearance.

 "Wrinkles were becoming more noticeable, and my skin lost its glow. After starting NAD+, my skin feels firmer and looks more youthful. Even my friends have noticed the difference!" - Karen ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

The enzyme PARP is essential for repairing DNA damage and aiding recovery from injuries or illnesses. It relies on NAD+ to function properly, as NAD+ provides the energy PARP needs to carry out DNA repair. When NAD+ levels are low, PARP's ability to repair cells is reduced, leading to slower recovery times. Maintaining adequate NAD+ levels ensures that PARP can work efficiently, helping your body recover faster and more effectively.

 "It used to take me so long to bounce back from even a minor cold, that I wouldn’t have even felt 10 years ago. Herboxa NAD+ has made a world of difference—I recover faster and feel stronger even when I’m still under the weather." - Mike ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Serotonin is the main hormone linked to happiness and mood regulation. It helps maintain a positive mood and reduce stress. When NAD+ levels are low, the body's ability to produce and regulate serotonin can be compromised, leading to increased stress and anxiety. NAD+ is crucial for the production of energy in cells, including those in the brain that produce serotonin. Without sufficient NAD+, serotonin production may decline, negatively impacting mood and increasing overall stress levels.

 "I used to feel overwhelmed by stress daily, and it was taking a toll on my health - so much so it would take me hours to fall asleep… After starting NAD+, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in my stress levels. I feel calmer and more in control of my emotions, which has made a huge difference in my overall well-being." - Laura ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Recognizing the warning signs of the natural process of aging is crucial for maintaining a health body and mind. Understanding them and knowing how to respond is the first step toward taking control of your health and slowing down the aging process. 

Each of these powerful ingredients offers significant benefits on its own. But for optimal cellular efficiency, DNA repair, and long-term health.

At Herboxa®, we've taken the best modern science can provide to formulate a product that combines all these powerful ingredients into one comprehensive supplement. A blend is designed to support optimal cellular efficiency, DNA repair, and overall health, giving you a potent tool to combat the signs of aging!

 Introducing Herboxa® NAD+ 
Its design and properties:
→ Support the body’s natural repair mechanisms to maintain cellular health.
→ Promote youthful skin by reducing wrinkles and improving elasticity.
→ Boost cellular energy, helping you feel more vibrant and active.
→ Support brain health, improving focus and memory.
→ Combine cutting-edge ingredients for long-term health.
→ Help regulate metabolism, supporting weight management.
→ Support heart health by improving blood flow and reducing oxidative stress.
→ Strengthen the immune system, promoting faster recovery from illnesses.

“Turning 60 was tough on me. But with this, I've got the vitality to keep up with my grandkids. It's amazing!” - John ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I was feeling the effects of aging - sluggish and achy. Since I started taking this, I've been hiking like I'm in my 30s! Plus, it's super easy to incorporate into my daily routine.” - Katie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I struggled with focus and joint pain, but this supplement changed everything. I'm back to my old active self!” - Julia ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“As a busy mom, I was run down. This gave me back my energy, and my skin's glow is something that gets complimented all the time.“ - Lisa ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Getting older is inevitable, but feeling it isn't. Been taking these capsules for a month now and my energy soared, and I felt more agile and active than I had in years. Thumbs up!” - Mike ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NAD?

NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is like a power booster found in all living cells, especially in the cell's energy factories called mitochondria. Think of NAD as the battery that keeps these mitochondria charged up. Having enough NAD in our cells helps them work at their best, which, in turn, helps us feel our best.

How does Herboxa® NAD+ work?
Aging happens for many reasons, but one big factor is that we lose NAD as we get older. NAD is like water for our cells, and they need it to stay healthy. Unfortunately, NAD levels decrease as we age, and they can drop even faster when we do things like overeating, excessive drinking, working too hard, spending too much time in the sun, not getting enough sleep, or when we get sick. 
Because NAD is crucial for our cells to function well, having less of it makes it harder for our cells to stay healthy as we age. But having more NAD has been linked to lots of good health benefits. 
In 2004, a scientist named Charles Brenner found a special molecule called nicotinamide riboside (NR), which helps our cells make more NAD, keeping them healthy. 
NIAGEN® is a special, patented form of nicotinamide riboside that's been proven to support healthy NAD levels.
What are the benefits?
NIAGEN®, a scientifically proven ingredient, helps keep NAD levels healthy in humans. Healthy NAD levels are linked to several good things, such as:
- Keeping cholesterol levels in check
- Helping cells work normally and make energy
- Supporting your liver, especially when it's stressed
Your experience with Herboxa® NAD+ may vary depending on what your cells need. But the science shows that it works on a cellular level, and the longer you use it, the more chances you have to feel these positive changes.
How much research has been done on NIAGEN®?
Scientists first found nicotinamide riboside back in the 1940s.
Since then, scientists have studied it a lot to understand how it helps make NAD, which is crucial for our cells. More than ten years of research have gone into studying nicotinamide riboside, leading to hundreds of research studies. One study even proved that NIAGEN® helps keep NAD levels healthy in people. These good results have encouraged research all around the world. Right now, there are at least 14 more studies happening to learn more about the health benefits of NIAGEN®, the main ingredient in Herboxa® NAD+.
Can I take Herboxa® NAD+ with my multivitamins?
Yes, you can use Herboxa® NAD+ alongside your regular multivitamin that provides your daily vitamin and mineral needs, including vitamin B3. Just remember that Herboxa® NAD+ contains nicotinamide riboside, which is different from the B3 in regular multivitamins.
Your body absorbs and uses Herboxa® NAD+ in a unique way that's separate from vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinamide) in regular vitamin supplements. Science has shown that Herboxa® NAD+ helps keep your NAD levels steady.
Multivitamins are carefully made to give you the right amount of essential vitamins and minerals each day, so they're balanced for your needs.
What are the ingredients in this formula?
All the ingredients have been dosed based on scientific research. They include:
Nicotinamide RIboside (NIAGEN®)
Resveratrol Veri-te™
Ubiquinol (Kaneka Ubiquinol™)
Vitamin C
Black Pepper Fruit Extract (BioPerine®)
Vitamin E
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B12
Is this product vegan?
Yes, NAD+ is 100% vegan-friendly.
Are there any side effects?
Our health supplements have been designed by experts. In very rare cases, some people experience adverse reactions. Please, always consult with your doctor if you experience any adverse effects or allergic reaction.
How long does the jar last?
Our jar contains 60 capsules that last for about a month.
Medical information, product, reviews, warnings and legal disclaimer
Product legal disclaimer
At Herboxa, we have NO compromise when it comes to quality, safety and transparency. That's why we check that the information on our website is valid, accurate and substantiated by scientific research and clinical evidence. We avoid statements on our website that are misleading or exaggerate efficacy or performance.
To ensure the integrity of testimonials appearing on our website, we also:
- check that the person providing any testimonial is a customer and has used the good for its intended purpose
- check that the person has no connection or involvement with Herboxa, including any production, sale, supply or marketing of our products
- do not give any inducement or direction in how the testimonial is written or published (other than to ensure the integrity of Herboxa and our website, including consistency with the intended use of our products or our instructions for use).

Despite our efforts, please note that:
- testimonials are based on personal experiences only and do not necessarily represent what anyone else using the same product may experience - your individual results may vary.
- we are not responsible for any errors or any use of information on our website, including testimonials
- you should also not treat any information on our website as medical advice or as statements evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Therapeutic Goods Administration or any other regulatory authority
- you should not regard our products as being intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

If you are or you believe you are suffering from any medical condition, please seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional regarding your treatment before taking any of our products. If you notice any unexpected change to any aspect of your health, please seek help from a qualified healthcare professional immediately.
If you believe that any of our communications can be confusing or biased, feel free to contact us via email.

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews
Feeling more energy than ever

I've been taking this for a while, and my eyes don't feel as tired. Plus, my mobility has improved. No complaints!

This increased my focus by tenfold!!

I’ve been using Herboxa NAD+ for a few months now, and the difference is incredible. My energy levels are up, and I’m much more focused at work. Before, I was struggling with midday slumps and couldn’t concentrate, but now I’m back to feeling sharp and motivated throughout the day.


I feel like I’m in my 30s again

I didn’t expect much when I started taking NAD, trust me I’m as skeptical as any other woman shopping online. But this truly has exceeded my expectations. My skin looks better, smoother AND more youthful and I’ve noticed I don’t get sick as often. It’s like I’ve found a way to turn back the clock on my health.

General muscle growth

As someone who enjoys staying active, I was frustrated by how much my strength was declining. Since starting NAD+, I’ve seen a real improvement. I’m able to lift more and recover faster after workouts. It’s been a game-changer for maintaining my fitness.

I no longer keep rolling in bed all night thanks to NAD+

I’ve never been good at managing stress, and it’s been affecting my sleep for the longest time. After using NAD+, I feel more balanced and calm. My sleep has improved too—I fall asleep faster and wake up feeling rested. This has made such a positive impact on my daily life.


I was worried about how forgetful I was becoming. It’s scary when you start to lose track of things. Herboxa NAD+ has really helped with my memory and mental clarity. I feel like my mind is sharper, and I can keep up with the pace of life much better now.


My smooth skin is now my favorite part about me

Wrinkles and tired skin were starting to get me down, but NAD+ has made a noticeable difference. My skin feels firmer and looks healthier, and I’ve even had people comment on how refreshed I look. It’s boosted my confidence and made me feel good about aging.


A real solution to aging

I was skeptical at first, but Herboxa NAD+ has truly made a difference in how I feel day-to-day. My energy is better, my skin looks healthier, and I just feel more like myself. It’s comforting to know there’s something out there that really supports aging well.