My name is Maria, and this is the story of my menopause journey!
As an accountant, I’ve always had stress in my life, but when my 40th birthday rolled around, I noticed something highly unusual for me.
It was a particularly hot summer day, I was hiking with my family, and all of a sudden cold shivers ran down my spine.
Let me preface this by saying I’ve always had normal bodily functions. I’m good in the sun, and frankly, don’t have a cold allergy. But at that moment, I was freezing!
I had planned a full day of fun activities because both my sons were back from university, but my sudden cold flashes were making me feel bad. My boys could tell I wasn't feeling well and even offered to go home so I could rest. However, I really didn't want to spoil our family time…
I pulled through the rest of the hike, but the moment we arrived home, I barricaded the bedroom and put the AC on hot.
To some, it might have been a scorching 27°C, but I still felt like I was in the middle of the Antarctica desert!
And as I lay in that seemingly sizzling room, I kept wondering what might be happening to me…
Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of my woes.
All of a sudden my favorite pasta (creamy carbonara with lots of bacon bits, for those who are wondering), bread, and chocolate started sticking to every part of my body like glue. My once slim, hourglass-shaped figure turned into a muffin shape… And not those with the tasty chocolate filling, but those filled to the brim with sad-sad tears.
And the unfortunate truth is that I no longer felt comfortable or even confident in my own body. Whenever my husband would hug me from behind, I would move his hands away from my tummy…
And don’t get me started on our bedroom activities - gone were the long steamy nights with the lamp turned on. I was so ashamed of myself, that I could not let my husband see either of the rolls that had formed on my body.
The extra weight was draining me so much, I was making mistakes at work. Simple matters that could have been caught if my mind was not racing at 100 km/h. And when my heart and mind weren’t racing, my mood was as sour as a spoiled lemon. The conversations over the phone with my sons were becoming shorter.
Later I realized that my mood swings were causing me to snap at them over insignificant things. The thought of accidentally hurting my boys, my babies, was unbearable…
On top of that, the mixture of hot and cold flashes would continue for hours on end. My excessive sweating caused me to have a 24/7 unpleasant odor, which I simply couldn’t wash off.
I knew I couldn't risk either my self-image OR my employment, so I started researching how I could ease all of these unexpected symptoms.
I didn’t know it yet, but I had entered the early stages of menopause.
I read every article on clean eating and different bathing routines - I even scoured my clothes and gave away those that held onto smells.
I then put all my newly found knowledge into practice! From eating home-cooked healthy meals, staying in a constant calorie deficit, showering 3 times a day, to using stronger fragrances…
And all of this combined did help… for a short period. I couldn’t manage to keep the weight, constant sweating, and subsequent unpleasant smell off of me in the long term. In fact, after some time it got worse…
During all this time I kept checking in with her gynecologist regularly.
"Women must come to terms with the reality of hot flashes, sweating, and weight gain caused by hormonal shifts. My suggestion is to watch what you eat and exercise more," my gynecologist said on many occasions.
During all this time I kept checking in with her gynecologist regularly.
"Women must come to terms with the reality of hot flashes, sweating, and weight gain caused by hormonal shifts. My suggestion is to watch what you eat and exercise more," my gynecologist said on many occasions.
I felt frustrated, sad, and helpless. In my professional career, I had never wavered, but when it came to my well-being, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But I was sure I wasn’t alone. I found out that women over 40, all around the world are left defeated and angry from dealing with all of these symptoms and more. Many of them do what I thought was an optimal course of action - continue living life in discomfort.
It sounds unreal, but the answer is YES. And I’m here to prove that.
When it comes to menopause, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) should be a last resort.
In my search for an alternative to HRT, I found that there are scientifically proven natural ingredients that can alleviate symptoms of menopause:
Lactobacillus Gasseri SBT2055: A probiotic strain known for its benefits in digestive health and immune system support. It helps balance our gut flora, potentially reducing inflammation and aiding in weight management during menopause.
Bifidobacterium Breve: B. Breve is another probiotic that plays a crucial role in gut health, contributing to the digestion of dietary fibers and promoting a healthy digestive system. It's also known for its ability to boost the immune system and may help in preventing infections.
Hyaluronic acid (ExceptionHYAL® Blossom): Renowned for its skin hydration properties, ExceptionHYAL® Blossom helps with maintaining moisture and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also plays a role in joint health by lubricating and cushioning joints, reducing pain and discomfort.

Biotin: Also known as Vitamin B7, is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails, promoting their growth and strength. It's also crucial in metabolic processes and supporting nervous system health.
Iodine: Vital mineral for thyroid health as it's a key component in the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism.

Vitamins B12 and K2: Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve tissue health, brain function, and the production of red blood cells. Vitamin K2, or MenaQ7® is a highly bioavailable form of vitamin K2. It plays a significant role in bone health, blood clotting, and arterial calcification prevention.

Magnesium: A mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. It also supports bone health, aids in protein synthesis, and is important for energy production.
And thankfully, I discovered a product that has all these ingredients and more in the form of a supplement, designed to help women like me thrive throughout and beyond menopause.

Herboxa® MENO 10-IN-1 - a 100% natural blend for every woman going through all stages of menopause and experiencing its irritating symptoms.

And thankfully, I discovered a product that has all these ingredients and more in the form of a supplement, designed to help women like me thrive throughout and beyond menopause.
Herboxa® MENO 10-IN-1 - a 100% natural blend for every woman going through all stages of menopause and experiencing its irritating symptoms.

MENO 10-IN-1 is the go-to for every woman who wants to:
✔ Put a stop to hot flashes and excessive sweating
✔ Manage mood irregularities
✔ Manage menopause-related weight gain
✔ Have a flatter tummy
✔ Sleep better and have more energy
✔ Feel more confident
✔ Be a better version of herself!
Herboxa® MENO 10-IN-1 is THE supplement for the woman who’s tired of never getting enough sleep.
The woman who wakes up drenched in sweat, wondering if it will ever get better.
The woman who is feeling cold in one moment, and hot the next.
She, who has gained menopause weight without changing one bit of her diet or exercise regime.
She, who deserves to experience the comfort of not feeling any negative emotions during her menopause!

After years of struggling with weight, I've finally started to see a change with MENO 10-IN-1. Those jeans I couldn't zip up, fit perfectly now!" - Kiera N.
"If you're thinking about trying it, go for it. I did, and I've lost some weight and feel better overall. It's worth it" - Linda
"I've been using MENO 10-IN-1 for a month now, and I'm genuinely surprised. It is the best investment I've ever made for myself. It helped me to lose the weight I gained from the hormones, and feel like my old self again!" - Maria

"After taking this supplement, I feel so comfortable in my body! I used to get bloated so bad.. It's really a great product!" - Lisa
"If you're thinking about trying it, go for it. I did, and I've lost some weight and feel better overall. It's worth it" - Alice O.
"I've been using Meno 10 in 1 for a month now, and I've lost 5 pounds! I'm feeling so much better about myself already! Also, no more hot flashes, my body is not on fire anymore!" - Samantha L.

Everyone is different, so results can vary. Some may notice changes in as little as 2 weeks, but it often takes 8-12 weeks for the full effects. That's why we suggest trying the 3-bottle bundle. Early on, you might feel:
- More energetic in the mornings
- Easier movement
- Regular bathroom trips
- Eating less between meals
- Staying cool & dry more often